Lots of interlocking stories to discuss this week. We jump right in with a discussion about the most recent headlines sparked by the protests following George Floyd’s death. A lot of legislation has been crafted in response to the protests, including an executive order from President Donald Trump. We examine the organizations he listed during the signing to determine the intent of the order, followed by looking at the text of the order itself. Once created, tools can be used for good and evil. Then we discuss CHOP, the occupation movement in Capitol Hill, Washington. The Seattle City Council crafted resolutions in response to the leverage held by the CHOP protestors joined by protests across the nation. Seattle chose to ban the use of chokeholds, riot control weapons, and officers covering their badge numbers. We weigh in on #DefundPolice and how useful it can be in sparking a conversation, but why does the “defunding” stop at police? Then we finally tackle the Mormon angle by examining the recent rulings in the Supreme Court concerning churches being “non-essential” services and LGBTQ+ people actually being people with Title VII protections. We wrap the episode with some great media for understanding racism in America as well as coming out as gay to your family.
Trump’s Executive Order on Police Reform
Orgs mentioned during EO signing
Federal law enforcement officers association https://www.fleoa.org/news.aspx?id=19
Fraternal order of police https://www.fop.net/CmsPage.aspx?id=39
Internal ass of chiefs of police https://www.theiacp.org/
Intl union of police association; “The Voice of Law Enforcement Officers” https://iupa.org/
Major county sherrifs of am ass https://mcsheriffs.com/
Natl Ass of police orgs http://www.napo.org/
Natl District attorneys ass https://ndaa.org/
Sergeants benevolent ass https://sbanypd.nyc/
Who wasn’t at the Exec Order signing? https://fundersforjustice.org/organizations/
Atlanta, GA Police Walkout
Seattle just expelled the Police Union from the city’s labor group. https://apnews.com/7267abcb991ec5210f85aa03eb7ed433#:~:text=SEATTLE%20(AP)%20%E2%80%94%20The%20largest,address%20racism%20within%20its%20ranks.&text=Local%20elected%20leaders%20are%20reluctant,150%20unions%20and%20100%2C000%20workers
Seattle City Council on Police reform bills
BYU formed a committee to “examine race and inequality at BYU”. https://news.byu.edu/announcements/committee-formed-to-examine-race-and-inequality-at-byu
Donate to groups working or advocating for racial justice and end of racism
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Racial tensions and police brutality in America have caused protests, riots, and citizens becoming the victims of war crimes committed by our military-police force. How did we get here? Where do we go? How can we effectively reform policing in America? It’s a complicated issue and a couple of white guys are going to do their best to introduce you to the topic and form a basic foundation on which to build a base of knowledge about these subjects. We also take a look at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints angle of race, as this is a Mormon-centric podcast. We encourage you to use the resources and further reading below. We wrap the episode with the final installment of Case for the Book of Mormon, a tool of genocide and racial supremacy which shaped American history.
First Presidency statement https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/president-nelson-shares-social-post-encouraging-understanding-and-civility
Church’s social media post: https://twitter.com/Ch_JesusChrist/status/1268233951719510016
The Negro: A Proclamation to the World
Blacks and the Priesthood by 3 Mormons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UN5Gp07zaZE
Our Enemies in Blue by Kristian Williams https://www.akpress.org/our-enemies-in-blue.html
Read the Stanford Prison Study https://www.simplypsychology.org/zimbardo.html
@Mica_McGriggs presentation June 15, 2020 “Racial Equity & Social Impact” weekly classes https://www.eventbrite.com/e/racial-equity-social-impact-tickets-104768040028
Mormon Stories #630 Black Lives Matter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgViT0zuSrk
Black and Mormon by Darron Smith https://books.google.com/books/about/Black_and_Mormon.html?id=lSvRnQgJAx8C
https://8cantwait.org/ for police reform
The Dollop - Furgeson Episode 19 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yp1uF67UeyY
Ibram X. Kendi How to be an Antiracist https://www.ibramxkendi.com/how-to-be-an-antiracist-1
Donate: https://www.joincampaignzero.org
Joanna Brooks Mormonism and White Supremacy https://global.oup.com/academic/product/mormonism-and-white-supremacy-9780190081768?cc=us&lang=en&
Moroni and the Swastika by David Conley Nelson https://www.oupress.com/books/14220363/moroni-and-the-swastika
Tiananmen Square Massacre 1989 in China https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SeoMn1DeUek
Watch: Just Mercy, released free on all platforms by Universal
Killer Mike speech about George Floyd and protests https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSWasOhArfM
Stand By Me by Liesa (Lisa) Rodger https://www.thebeehive.com/stand-by-me/
Check your blindspot BYU diversity project https://www.checkyourblindspot.org/
Historian’s take on police brutality against Black people https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/gvu38i/george_floyd_was_murdered_by_america_a_historians/
Talking to kids about this:
Donate to groups working or advocating for racial justice and end of racism
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Find us on Facebook and Twitter @Glass Box Podcast