We take this week’s episode as a time to reflect on the incredible life and legacy of one of the nation’s brightest minds. SCOTUS lost a paragon of civil rights and gender equality in a contentious election year. We discuss the life and accomplishments of RBG, what her death in September 2020 means, and what we can expect moving forward. After that, Braden phones in to tell us about Pride, a movie about a GLB rights group protesting for miner’s rights in Magaret Thatcher’s U.K. Then we discuss the recent endorsement by Scientific American of Joe Biden, the first in the 175 years of the journal’s history.
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Happy news: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/scientific-american-endorses-joe-biden/
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Shannon Grover joins us again for the next installment of The Naked Communist, why don’t we just make it official? Welcome to our new permanent co-host!! We start the show with a quick rundown of a recent talk given by Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of Apostles about the current wave of civil rights protests we see across the nation. We transition seamlessly into The Naked Communist and it’s remarkable how similar the arguments are with 70 years separating them. Then we discussed an ad campaign by reddit to try and increase voter turnout this November.
Quentin L. Cook BYU talk https://www.deseret.com/faith/2020/8/24/21398349/elder-cook-to-byu-faculty-focus-on-building-faith-in-christ-church-brigham-young-provo-racial-unity?fbclid=IwAR3d20OGp68n-9MuLE-MFt8Yq6_67bPlP7cX6DuP1cxvJ8pM9saO_i4cazg
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