What a fun grouping of topics! We do a relatively long deep-dive into the history of how the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has dealt with organic evolution and how the stance has changed over time. Of course, the Book of Mormon is predicated on eugenics, as is the history of Utah, so we also include this more controversial subject as it is related. Then we dive into Bruce R. McConkie’s Millennial Messiah where he continues to harp on his favorite topic, the end times. Turns out the book title is very revealing of the subject matter. We wrap the episode with a new press release from the White House about government-funded research.
Show links:
Improvement Era article (Official publication on organic evolution) https://archive.org/details/improvementera28011unse/page/1088/mode/2up
Organic Evolution (current Church official) https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/history/topics/organic-evolution?lang=eng&fbclid=IwAR2JSViKt8X5b58lHFTGwP223jzjn9pm5Vi9Y1j2kz94QC8bjCHNrhuPpMk
Pew Research interview with Russel M. Nelson https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2007/05/16/in-focus-mormonism-in-modern-america/
Ben Spackman analysis of Official Church essay https://benspackman.com/2022/06/an-annotated-version-of-the-new-church-history-evolution-topic/?fbclid=IwAR2AhOens_H9jWsIZVzw9YZCro0syh7TsHuZ-G4C44BX9p46z2lMDwRs_CY
How Darwin’s Book holds up 150 years later https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/how-darwins-descent-man-holds-150-years-after-publication-180977091/
Descent of Man http://darwin-online.org.uk/content/frameset?itemID=F937.1&viewtype=text&pageseq=1
Orson Pratt’s statement possibly favorable to theological evolution https://bycommonconsent.com/2015/04/30/orson-pratt-and-god-emergence-as-fundamental-mormonism/
Man; His Origin and Destiny by Joseph Fielding Smith http://www.sainesburyproject.com/mormonstuff/Man%20His%20Origin%20and%20Destiny.pdf
“BYU Packet” https://biology.byu.edu/00000172-29e6-d079-ab7e-69efe5890000/byu-evolution-packet
Mormons and Genetics by Mary V. Rorty Sunstone 2003 https://web.stanford.edu/~mvr2j/mormons.html
Millennial Messiah
Blood moon: https://www.space.com/39471-what-is-a-blood-moon.html
Babylon: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babylon
Babylonia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babylonia
Dragonheart (metal music): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMaLY2wF94c
Happy News: Delivering equitable access to all government funded research to the public: https://www.whitehouse.gov/ostp/news-updates/2022/08/25/breakthroughs-for-alldelivering-equitable-access-to-americas-research/
Come see us on Aron Ra’s YouTube channel! He’s doing a series titled Reading Joseph’s Myth BoM. Bryce showed up for episode 7 and Shannon was added in on Episode 8. They will be on Saturday’s. This link is for the playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXJ4dsU0oGMKfJKvEMeRn5ebpAggkoVHf
Email: glassboxpodcast@gmail.com
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Numerology 101! What is it? How many is it? Why is it? We do a quick deep-dive into the esoteric field of numerology and how it influenced Joseph Smith and early Mormonism. We even find out our own numbers just for the fun of it! After that we talk about The Number 23 starring Jim Carrey in a very non-Jim Carrey role, witnessing him driven to madness by, you guessed it, the number 23. We round out with a brief signal boost of the recent sex abuse scandal with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Which sex abuse scandal specifically? Any of them because they never end.
Show links:
Number Symbolism https://www.britannica.com/topic/number-symbolism
Pythagorean numerology https://www.dcode.fr/pythagorean-numerology
Kabbalah numerology http://numerology.center/kabbalah_numerology.php
Chaldean numerology https://numerologytoolbox.com/numerology/chaldean-numerology/
The Philosophy of Numbers by L. Dow. Balliett https://archive.org/details/philosophyofnum00ball/page/126/mode/2up
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Email: glassboxpodcast@gmail.com
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GlassBoxPod
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Merch store: https://www.redbubble.com/people/exmoapparel/shop
Or find the merch store by clicking on “Store” here: https://glassboxpodcast.com/index.html
We’ve discussed Mormon endtimes on numerous episodes, but this time we will also discuss some results. Mormonism breeds dangerous men; men who believe the end of the world is coming. Bruce R. McConkie loved the idea of the endtimes. He wrote about it so much that we decided to cover what Mormon Doctrine says are the signs of the endtimes. Then, because we know you just can’t get enough of McCrankie, Shannon will give the 5th segment of Millennial Messiah which, surprise surprise, is all about the death and destruction that is going to happen in the second coming. Then we actually will end the episode leaving you with a feeling that the world isn’t completely on fire with some really cool news about green infrastructure. So fasten your seatbelts. It’s going to be a bumpy night!
Show links:
Mormon Endtimes
Happy News: https://www.goodgoodgood.co/articles/green-infrastructure-benefit-frontline-communities
Email: glassboxpodcast@gmail.com
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